Sensory Friendly shows on northwestern’s campus

Download the PDF GUIDE HERE!

Please note: This is a general timeline for collaborating with Seesaw Theatre on a sensory friendly performance. However, each individual show’s timeline may be adjusted to best fit the needs of the process. All collaborations work best when the producing board, producer, and director believe a sensory friendly performance is an important addition to their show.

STEP 1: Origin of Sensory Friendly

Production Team & Producing Board agree that they want to do a sensory friendly performance. The team then lets the Seesaw Sensory Friendly Coordinator know that they are interested in collaborating on a sensory friendly performance far in enough in advance for Seesaw to meet with the Producer and Director prior to the first production meeting. The team sends Seesaw a copy of the script and any known production notes (i.e. strobe lights, content warnings, extreme violence, etc.)

STEP 2: Initial Meeting

  • Director & Producer meet with Seesaw Sensory Friendly Coordinator
    They discuss elements of the production that may need to be changed for a sensory friendly performance. This includes lights, sounds, transitions, and actor adjustments.

  • Seesaw SF Coordinator walks the team through the timeline of when the Coordinator needs to be in the space or meet with the production team, including:

    • First production meeting

    • Rehearsal 1-2 weeks out of tech to observe a run or two.

    • A few runs before tech to get an idea of actor changes that may need to be made.

    • The first run in tech week, or cue to cue (if the production plans to have an unusually long cue to cue, or unusually short tech week) for the purpose of seeing tech elements in the show and taking pictures for the social story.

    • In tech week:

      • Work with lights team (1-2 hours)

      • Work with actors and sound team (30-45 minutes)

  • They discuss marketing and Seesaw’s contacts

  • They discuss the show’s social story

  • They discuss the producing board’s support at the sensory friendly performance

STEP 3: First Production Meeting

  • SF Coordinator talks to designers about collaboration, timeline, and expectations

STEP 4: Producing Board’s Rehearsal & Tech Responsibilities

  • In addition to the basic timeline outlined in Step 2, the Producing Board also must:

    • Post the social story provided by SF Coordinator on their Facebook and website at least 3 days before the sensory friendly performance

    • Book a room for the Quiet Space for the day of the sensory friendly performance (SF Coordinator will walk you through options)

    • Print multiple copies of the social story to be ready at top of day of performance

    • Provide four board members to work the sensory friendly performance

Thank you! We are so excited to collaborate with you!

2018-19 Season Contacts

Olivia Zapater-Charrette, Sensory Friendly Performance Coordinator.

Christina Layton, Executive Director.

Rachel Seidenberg, Artistic Director.