Registration is now open for our 2019 Inclusive theatre festival on November 16th-17th!

Seesaw Theatre's Fourth Annual Inclusive Theatre Festival is a weekend-long conference celebrating the strides being made in inclusive and accessible theatre. This event aims to bring together theatre artists and practitioners from across the country, giving us all the chance to learn about the amazing work being done and how we can also improve our own work. This event is intended not only for theatre artists (students and professionals alike), but also for the disability community and their families, educators working with individuals with developmental differences, and truly anyone interested in this ever-expanding and heart-warming field of inclusive theatre. Presenters will include Jamie Angello of Trusty Sidekick Theater Company, Christopher Liam Moore of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, and Erica Berman of the Children's Theatre of Madison, among numerous others. Join us for a specific presentation or the whole event. We look forward to seeing you there!

Questions about this event? Contact our festival organizer, Julia Hogan Laurenson, at


This year’s Inclusive Theatre Festival is dedicated to Luke Hogan Laurenson.

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Luke in the Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s 2019 production of Hairspray, directed by ITF presenter Christopher Liam Moore. Luke is pictured with Kate Mulligan, Preston Mead, Brent Hinkley, Eddie Lopez, Johnique Mitchell, and Christian Bufford. Photo by Jenny Graham.


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